Texas “Two Steps, One Sticker” Program Implementation
Gordon-Darby played a significant role in helping the State of Texas implement its new “Two Steps, One Sticker” vehicle inspection and registration program on March 1, 2015.
As a result of House Bill 2305 passed during the 83rd legislative session (2013), the State of Texas no longer issues inspection stickers and has transitioned to the new vehicle inspection and registration program. The registration sticker serves as combined proof of registration and inspection. Implementing this required a joint effort of three Texas state agencies:
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) administers the state’s vehicle registration program.
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) administers the state’s vehicle safety inspection program.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) administers the state’s vehicle emissions testing program.
Under our Texas Information Management System (TIMS) contract with TCEQ, Gordon-Darby was responsible for designing and deploying a near real-time interface with the other components of the new inspection and registration system. Upon receipt of passing emissions inspection records by TIMS, summary records are created and sent via this interface to the new system. This effort, which involved close collaboration with the three agencies and their contractors, now results in the transfer of more than 8.5 million records per year from Gordon-Darby’s TIMS to the new system.
This transition provided multiple benefits to Texas motorists and our TCEQ customer, including:
- One sticker, one date – There is now just one sticker with one expiration date, rather than separate inspection and registration stickers with different expiration dates.
- Less clutter, better view – Only the familiar blue-bordered registration sticker must now be displayed in the corner of the windshield.
- Safer streets, cleaner air – Because a passing vehicle inspection is now a registration renewal requirement, more Texans are complying with vehicle emissions and safety inspection requirements, resulting in lower polluting and safer cars on the road.
- Fraud prevention – With inspection stickers no longer needed, this change eliminates the risk of inspection sticker fraud and theft.
Gordon-Darby is proud to have helped TCEQ and its sister agencies implement this important program advancement. Increased compliance with vehicle emissions testing as a result of this transition is helping to protect the Texas public’s health and natural resources. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with our customer on additional enhancements.